As noted in the documentation:
The default is to look in all locations defined in STATICFILES_DIRS and in the 'static' directory of apps specified by the INSTALLED_APPS settingand:
Duplicate file names are by default resolved in a similar way to how template resolution works: the file that is first found in one of the specified locations will be used.To make my apps more modular, I put a static directory in each. Each containing among other things a css folder. Unfortunately for me, I used the same name for some css files in different apps. Thus the first one found made it into collectedstatic and the other one did not. This was not what I was expecting.
To solve the problem, I set
STATICFILES_FINDERS = ( "django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.FileSystemFinder", )
And I added my apps to STATICFILES_DIRS like this:
STATICFILES_DIRS=[('my_django',os.path.join(MY_DJANGO_PATH,'static')), ('app1',os.path.join(MY_DJANGO_PATH,'app1','static')), ('app2',os.path.join(MY_DJANGO_PATH,'app2','static')))
Now collected static made a folder for each app.
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